Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Act of Kindness And An Act of Kindness Pt. 2

A few posts back, I talked about a gentle man that offered me a few homemade gifts and a blank canvas one night I played guitar to raise money for a foundation close to my heart.  I took time to paint the canvas he has given me that night.  Here's a painting below:

Today, I had the day off and I geared up with my guitar and smile and head downtown and played guitar (busked, as I call it...) in front of where an old record store used to be that has recently relocated to another area.  I ran into the kind man and gave him a painting I did a few months ago, called Tent for Two....  Act of Kindness, the art that keeps giving :)

This is Tent for Two..

Hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the New Moon!

Love and Life

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful artwork Andrea! Really like Tent for two. LaurieB
